Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 129 The Might of Vegeta! The Blood of a Super Saiyan Awakens

Our heroes look on helplessly as Goku becomes rapidly less stable in his battle against the deadly Artificial Human No. 19. Gohan is convinced it is Gokus heart virus, as predicted by Trunks during his visit from the future. Kuririn doesnt see how, as Trunks gave them medicine to handle it. But it turns out, Goku never got sick during their three years or training, so he never took the medication. Piccolo wonders if the timeline didnt get adjusted in subtle ways due to Trunks tampering with the space-time continuum. (You grew up alone in the woods, Piccolo. How do you know this stuff?)

Its not very effective...

Unable to do anything to shake off No. 19, Goku is at the vicious cyborgs mercy, who uses his advantage to begin sucking the ki out of our heros body!

Piccolo and the others make a move to rescue Goku from his fate, but No. 20 intervenes. He promises them that if they move any further, he will eliminate them. Piccolo doesnt buy it and darts for Goku regardless. But quicker than a flash, No. 20 shoots Piccolo down to the ground with his laser vision.

But Piccolo isnt the only one with Gokus back...
("Leave my boyfriend alone.")
Vegeta arrives on the scene!!

Then Piccolo drops this doozy, "Here I am doing a lousy job acting hurt, just so I can save Goku when they arent looking, then Vegeta, you had to butt in where you werent wanted!"

(Who talks like this?)

Vegeta scolds Goku for transforming into a Super Saiyan, even though he realized his heart was acting up - which Vegeta surmises would only make the heart virus even stronger. (Because thats how infectious diseases work I guess.)

Then Vegeta and Piccolo play Rival Ball.

Vegeta kicks to Piccolo, No. 19 on the mound...
Point to team Z.

Finally accepting his fate as the most useless member of the Z Senshi, Yamcha volunteers to take Goku home to take his medicine. Piccolo reminds Yamcha to take some himself, as the infection is viral in nature. (Piccolo, you were raised alone in the woods. How do you keep getting this information?)

Meanwhile, Vegeta mugs the Artificial Humans.

"Theres something I want to know. Do you cyborgs feel fear?"

At last, Vegeta has at last attained Super Saiyan status. (To nobodys great surprise, given how he has does nothing but moan on about it since mid-Freeza Saga.)

Kuririn asks how Vegeta became a Super Saiyan, when Super Saiyans are supposed to have pure, calm hearts. This has literally never been mentioned before as a prerequisite to becoming a Super Saiyan in any of the exposition. Closest to it would have been Gokus "I Am" speech to Freeza, but that was just that... a speech. And Kuririn was dead when Goku gave it. Still, Vegeta seems to follow Kuririns logic and concludes that his heart is pure... pure evil. (Insert creepy organ music and mustache twirl here.)

During his training, Vegeta realized he had finally reached his limit. He had exhausted his power and could never overcome Kakarotto. It is in this moment that the fury, at himself, built up so much inside of him that he finally transformed.

Now hell put his new-found power to the test!!